Cornerstone’s Leadership team is charged with discerning God’s will and direction for this body. There is no general vote on issues affecting the body, but the Leadership team can bring important issues, such as the building of our facility, before the body for affirmation.
Board of Elders
The Board of Elders is charged with the oversight of all spiritual matters of the church. They have, since our inception, adopted and refined doctrinal policies, established Rules and Regulations for the conduct of church business, and each elder serves on various committees that report to the board.
Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons are tasked with maintaining the physical building and guiding the finances for the staff and other ministries of the church. For long-term planning, three permanent committees (Finance, Personnel and Audit) were formed. The members of these committees will meet as required to advise the leadership boards. Also, a kitchen coordinator maintains a safe and clean cooking area.
The Staff
The staff is charged with the day-to-day operations of the church.
Currently the staff consists of:
- Kevin Frack (pastor)
- Elizabeth Trogdon (music ministry coordinator)
- Jessica Gwyn (youth/ children coordinator )
- Mary Clapp (administrative assistant).
Church Council
Church Council is an annual gathering of the entire church body once a year, typically in November. The purpose is to allow members of the congregation to be informed of the work of the boards over the past year, as well as the proposed budget and ministry events for the upcoming year. It also provides an opportunity for members to share encouragement or concerns with the members of the leadership team.