Small Groups

We believe that life change is best nurtured in relationships through small groups.
SonShine Servants – Men and women who believe in letting the Son, Jesus Christ, shine in and through us by serving the body.
- Sell chicken pies ($12) and cookbooks ($5). [Both make great gifts!]
- Food Ministry – providing homemade frozen foods to families in need
Good News Club Volunteers
- Tuesday after school at Mocksville Elementary School
- Open and free for all students
- Bible lessons, games, songs, snacks and prizes!
New Canaan Society of Davie County
- Meets every Thursday at Captain’s Galley Seafood Shack (Advance) at 7:00 AM.
- Christian men’s fellowship with personal testimonies and prayer.
Coffee Hour
- Meets 3rd OR 4th Thursday (check our calendar) at 10:00 AM.
- Coffee and light snacks
- Lesson by Pastor Kevin, feasting again on the Word of God together.
Bible Study & Prayer Groups There are several adult Bible Study & Prayer Groups at Cornerstone that meet on different days at different times. If you are interested in connecting with one, call the church office at 998-0600.
- Tuesday Evening Bible Study – 7:30 PM. Contact Howard & Elaine M. or Ted & Garnette C.
- Monday Evening Men’s Prayer Group – 7:30 PM. Contact Doug B., or Zero S.